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Outsider Club: They’re Coming for Your Retirement Funds Again

Make no mistake about it. The underlying purpose of this legislation is a cash grab. More people paying more fees regardless of any actual benefit to them. Under the guise of helping more Americans achieve their dream of retirement, Congress is looking to pass new legislation to make changes to the retirement system. That means new rules for your 401(k),...

MarketWatch: When the “Herds Get Spooked,” This Is What a Stock Market Crash Could Look Like

Confidence in the absolute efficacy of Fed intervention breeds complacency, which is the essential backdrop of stock market crashes. Crashes don’t arise from a skittish herd, they arise from a complacent herd. So far the herd has been religiously buying the dip. But as with any herd, that behavior can flip in an instant. Once it does, watch stock markets...

Zerohedge: If Gold Was Just a Barbarous Relic…

The global monetary regime has collapsed three times over the past 100 years, in 1914, 1939, and 1971. They seem to happen about every 30 to 40 years on average. It’s now been over 40 years since the last collapse, so we’re due. With Russia and China continuing to build up their gold reserves, it's clear that the future of the world monetary...

MarketWatch: The “Buffett Yardstick” May Be Signaling the Worst Risk-Reward Setup Ever

In all, long-term investors are risking roughly a 60% decline to try to capture a 0% rate of return over the coming decade in the stock market, one of the worst risk-to-reward setups in history. If this doesn't make you want to give up investing in stocks, it's hard to say what will. After over a year of unprecedented stock...

MarketWatch: How a “Halloween storm” Could Deliver a Catastrophic Blow to the Stock Market

Unfortunately, a political and market perfect storm is now on the way and may strike as early as Halloween 2019, marking a new "Halloween storm." Get ready. I cannot imagine a better setup for catastrophe. No one ever sees disaster coming. That’s the point. Once again all indicators are pointing to a market collapse towards the end of 2019. We...

MarketWatch: A Recession Shock Could Wipe 30% Off US Stocks, Warns Oxford Economics

But they’ve got a couple of grim worst-case scenarios. One envisages the US economy slowing sharply from the third quarter of this year, then falling into recession as corporate profits [fall], hitting business and investor sentiment. The fallout from this could trigger a 30% drop in the S&P 500 in the third quarter. Within a year the US would be...

Marketwatch: “Buckle Up!” When Oil and Gold Trade Like This, It Usually Spells Doom for the Market

Only three other times in history precious metals surged while oil plunged! All of them happened during severe bear markets and recessions. Buckle up, folks. When oil starts to drop at the same time gold takes off, it's a sign that the economy is in danger. A slowing economy means less demand for oil, leading to a price drop, while...

Casey Research: Eight Reasons to Buy Gold Today

After nearly six years of 0% interest rates, the U.S. economy is hooked on the heroin of easy money. It can’t even tolerate a modest reduction in the Fed’s balance sheet and 2.5% interest rates, still far below historical averages. In other words, this monetary tightening cycle is over. The next move is a return to QE and 0%, and...

CNBC: Morgan Stanley – Even If the Fed Cuts Rates This Summer, It Could Be Too Late to Stop a Recession

"Morgan Stanley changed its forecast for global growth to 'stagnation' through the end of the year instead of a 'continued recovery.' " Even the most bullish on Wall Street understand that the world economy is set for a slowdown. And while many investors may think that a Fed rate cut would keep the economy humming along, the reality is far...