Yellen’s Murky, Misdirecting Congressional Testimony
Fed Chair Janet Yellen's appearance before the House Financial Services Committee Wednesday gave spooked market-watchers little info or reassurance.
Fed Chair Janet Yellen's appearance before the House Financial Services Committee Wednesday gave spooked market-watchers little info or reassurance.
Just as housing debt torpedoed banks in 2008, leading to the Great Recession, oil industry debt and sputtering global growth are poised to deliver another one-two punch in 2016.
Your riskiest investments just got riskier, with forces from oil to emerging markets to negative interest rates arrayed en masse against the stability of the stocks in your portfolio.
As the year stops being new, markets worldwide are still roiling, oil's crash is taking jobs with it – and with China ever-shakier, hopes for any good news in 2016 are fading.
Many experts believe consumer spending is the key gauge of a healthy economy. By that measure, our economy could be the healthiest patient on the critical list.
From Europe to Asia to Washington to our own front doors, living in continuous debt has become a way of life. But is the party ending?
Sure, life today is complicated – but at least you don't have to compete for women with a giant monkey god. Fortunately, if you were a resident of this lost city you had a lot of gold to work with...
Like the fabled tortoise, gold endured scorn, even exaggerated reports of its death, while the cocky hares of the stock market laughed. But who's getting the last laugh?
Chinese business owes more to their banks than the value of the entire Chinese economy. What happens when it all comes crashing down?
As banks grow bigger who wins? They rake in mega-millions and take risks without consequences, meanwhile your savings are targeted by thieves both without and within.