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Citigroup: Gold Could Reach $1,600 This Year

With gold’s recent gain in value, predictions made at the beginning of the year about its overall gains have been left in the dust. Many mainstream analysts thought $1,350 per ounce was a reasonable price target for the end of the year, obviously laboring under the erroneous assumption that stock markets would resume their bull run. Even many gold...

How Gold and Silver IRAs Work

Gold and silver have been popular investments for centuries, safeguarding investor wealth through thick and thin. And one of the most popular ways to invest in gold and silver today is through gold and silver IRAs. If you’re not familiar with gold and silver IRAs, it’s probably because your financial adviser or retail brokerage doesn’t offer them. But a...

Amount of Negative Yielding Debt Outstanding Continues to Increase

Debt issuance has always been pretty straightforward. A borrower issues bonds that pay interest to entice lenders to part with their money for a period of time. The longer the term of the bond or the riskier the borrower, the higher the interest rate the borrower has to offer. But thanks to over a decade of quantitative easing from...

How to Tell That the Economy Is In a Bubble (When No One Else Can)

The policymakers at the Federal Reserve, and at most central banks for that matter, have a horrible track record when it comes to figuring out when an economy is in a bubble. By the time they realize that the bubble has even existed, it has already burst. They end up playing catch-up, reacting to a financial crisis months after...

Precious Metals Investing: Is It Better to Invest in Gold or Silver?

Due to recent volatility in stock and bond markets, many investors have turned their attention to precious metals as a hedge against that volatility. With memories of the 2008 financial crisis and its aftermath still fresh in many investors’ minds, their thoughts naturally turn to gold and silver, two assets that protected investors’ assets during the crisis. While stock...