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What Should I Invest In? The Expert’s Guide

The decision about what to invest in is perhaps the hardest decision that most investors make. The right decision can result in amazing asset growth and a comfortable retirement, while the wrong decision can lead to lackluster growth and even asset losses. Making the decision about what to invest in is a daunting one. But as difficult as it...

Just How Flawed Are the Government’s Social Security Projections?

For decades, American retirees have come to depend on Social Security for at least a part of their retirement income. While many retirees have made their own retirement plans and only rely on Social Security for supplemental income, many have planned for Social Security to make up the bulk of their retirement income. That was never the intent of the...

What Is a Rollover IRA?

A rollover IRA is an individual retirement account (IRA) that is funded by moving funds from a 401(k), 403(b), TSP, or similar retirement account into an IRA. By rolling over existing retirement funds into a rollover IRA, investors can use existing retirement funds to take advantage of a broader range of investments than are available through 401(k) investments alone. Rollover...

Is the “Independent” Federal Reserve Trying to Sink President Trump?

For decades the Federal Reserve System has tried to resist every attempt at greater transparency and heightened Congressional oversight by claiming that it is “independent.” If Congress were to take a closer look at what the Fed is doing, the Fed avers, it would jeopardize the Fed’s ability to operate effectively and would unnecessarily and inappropriately politicize monetary policy....

Investor Interest in Silver Rising

Silver has long languished in gold’s shadows, with the white metal playing second fiddle to gold. Gold is unique in its color, its density, and the physical properties that make it the ideal money. Silver tarnishes and has to be maintained, and its color and shine are often imitated and replicated by nickel, stainless steel, and other base metals....

Heightening Trade War Risks Sinking the Economy

By now even the most optimistic traders on Wall Street have had to resign themselves to the fact that the trade war with China won’t abate anytime soon. Far from a quick resolution, it seems that every month brings yet more news of increased escalation. Last week it was President Trump’s decision to raise the existing tariff rates on...