First a Crash, Now Worse Than Useless Advice?
Is a New York Times columnist right that when markets are shattering around us we either need to get used to it or get out? Is that the only way of investing?
Stock Market Dips Hollowing Out Public Retirement Funds
One of the enviable perks of government work used to be the lush pension. But cresting boomer retirements and market downturns are dealing body blows to needed funds.
The R Word
Though experts have said for months a new worldwide recession is likely, stock market Pied Pipers still want us to walk down the path to ruin one more time.
Stocks Dive as You Pay for Others’ Mistakes
As the stock market plunges once again, small investors are at the mercy of forces far out of their control from greedy CEOs to Saudi Arabia to China.
Shaken Investors Flock to Gold – But the Wrong Kind
As the Dow plunges yet again panic-stricken investors are running in the first door they see marked "gold." Too bad it's a door that leads right back to paper.
Can You Still Build Wealth in the Faltering Global Economy?
With UN predictions of skyrocketing unemployment and the IMF forecasting little to no economic growth globally and in the U.S., is a secure retirement off the table?