Welcome to the Era of Less Bang for Your Buck
The awesome buying power of your dollars is at an end.
Oil Company Defaults: the First Dominos Set to Fall
When gas prices dropped experts warned we'd have to pay the piper. Now payback time is here.
The Miracle-Money Helicopter Drop
Let's think like a central bank. Print lots of new money that devalues existing currency? Check. Charge depositors to save their own cash in the bank? Check. How come it's not working?
Existing Home Sales Plummet as Housing Crisis Nears
One of the leading indicators of a healthy economy is a thriving housing market. As home sales crater, with the S&P following suit, the picture's getting darker.
A Time Too Painful to Repeat
They call it the Great Recession of 2008-2009, but its disastrous impact and still-felt repercussions are even today tearing through our lives, eroding our savings and crippling our future.
Long-hidden Great Lakes Wreck Rumored to be Carrying Civil War Gold
November is a bad month to be traveling by ship anywhere on the Great Lakes. Storms can arise, seemingly out of nowhere, and the bottom of the lakes are strewn with ships that thought they could beat the storm or waited too long to seek the safety of a nearby harbor.