Stealthy Silver – Gold’s Volatile Sister Metal
What does portfolio diversification look like? Not just a variety of asset classes, but diversification within each of those classes. Time to shake things up with the spice of silver!
Think You’re Getting Ripped Off? Bank on It Part 2
You've been making deposits and writing checks into that bank account for years – then one day the FDIC empties it out, leaving you pennies on the dollar? What happened?
Gold Still Compelling as We Enter Second Quarter
Gold was so hot in Q1 it was bound to cool down, right? Not according to these market experts...
Think You’re Getting Ripped Off? Bank on It
The days when banks cared about your puny account are over. They're too big to protect your cash, but not too big to pocket it when the going gets tough.
Saving Your Cash is Killing the Economy
We can't win. Experts scolded us for spending rather than saving, so after a brutal recession we began hoarding our cash -- now experts tell us this saving is causing a new recession.
America is Slipping in the Currency Wars
The U.S. dollar we're all depending on, both now and for our senior years, is losing ground against other powerful international players.