Gold’s Value Upheld in Federal Court Decision
Before credit and numbers on a computer screen were considered "real" money, gold was the standard for business transactions. But the fall and rise of the gold clause has created some up-to-the-minute legal drama.
Demand for Gold Coins Toppling Records
Is it the fact that gold retains buying power when cash doesn't? Or that it's a safe haven in stormy markets? Or is it that gold is the one asset that protects your privacy?
Expert: Fed Should Buy Gold to Save Failing Economy
How do you cure malaise? With deflation, no interest accruing on our savings, and a general sense of unease about the U.S, and world economy, one expert is prescribing a golden shot in the arm.
Nazi Gold Train Legend Just Won’t Die
We've said it before: You can't trust Nazis. Now the on-again, off-again Nazi gold train hunt is on again, thanks to two determined treasure seekers.
Will Apple Get into the Gold Business Through the Side Door?
Did you ever think of mining for gold in your iPhone? Apple did, and netted over a ton of the precious metal, and a super-hefty profit.
Oil Prices Provide Market Relief, But for How Long?
It might seem strange to call rising oil prices "good news." But when you realize the dangers falling prices create to our economy and our military, you'll think twice.