February 2016
Gold in 2016 is Hotter Than Stocks in 2009
As stocks have crashed and burned this year, the price of gold has risen, with more to come.
IMF: U.S. Needs a Disaster Plan
When is a recovery not a recovery? When it's so fragile the slightest hint of turbulence can stall the world economy.
Civil War Era Shipwreck May Yield Fortune In Gold
It's a tale of superhuman heroism and an eye-popping treasure in gold—why has it been lost to history?
Closeout Sale on Cratered Stocks
Sometimes a bargain is a bargain, and sometimes it's just a waste of cash. Are these picked-over rejects diamonds in the rough or just rough on your bottom line?
Risk of a Global Meltdown Rises
Citigroup raises the odds of global recession. Can you escape a repeat of 2008?
Investors Fleeing Risk to Embrace Gold
Once again, those who scoffed at gold when they were raking it in on stocks are now scurrying for the safety of the yellow metal.
The Brexit – Much Ado in the EU (and What’s it to You?)
When is talk the same as action? When just the discussion of the UK possibly leaving the EU throws markets into a tizzy. Will their madness cross the pond?
How the Soaring Dollar Actually Hurts America
A strong dollar sounds like a great thing, for both us and our economy. But it's killing us overseas. And what happens when it all comes crashing down?